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Type of SQL Statements


Type of SQL statements are divided into five different categories: Data definition language (DDL), Data manipulation language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL), Transaction Control Statement (TCS), Session Control Statements (SCS).

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Data definition statement are use to define the database structure or table.

CREATECreate new database/table.
ALTERModifies the structure of database/table.
DROPDeletes a database/table.
TRUNCATERemove all table records including allocated table spaces.
RENAMERename the database/table.

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Data manipulation statement are use for managing data within table object.

SELECTRetrieve data from the table.
INSERTInsert data into a table.
UPDATEUpdates existing data with new data within a table.
DELETEDeletes the records rows from the table.
MERGEMERGE (also called UPSERT) statements to INSERT new records or UPDATE existing records depending on condition matches or not.
LOCK TABLELOCK TABLE statement to lock one or more tables in a specified mode. Table access denied to a other users for the duration of your table operation.
Statements are supported in PL/SQL only for executed dynamically. CALL a PL/SQL program or EXPLAIN PATH access the data path.

Data Control Language (DCL)

Data control statement are use to give privileges to access limited data.

GRANTGives privileges to user for accessing database data.
REVOKETake back for given privileges.
ANALYZEANALYZE statement to collect statistics information about index, cluster, table.
AUDITTo track the occurrence of a specific SQL statement or all SQL statements during the user sessions.
COMMENTWrite comment to the data table.

Transaction Control Statement (TCS)

Transaction control statement are use to apply the changes permanently save into database.

COMMITPermanent work save into database.
ROLLBACKRestore database to original form since the last COMMIT.
SAVEPOINTCreate SAVEPOINT for later use ROLLBACK the new changes.
SET TRANSACTIONSET TRANSACTION command set the transaction properties such as read-write/read only access.

PL/SQL Transaction commit, rollback, savepoint, autocommit, Set Transaction read more.

Session Control Statement (SCS)

Session control statement are manage properties dynamically of a user session.

ALTER SESSIONALTER SESSION statement to modify conditions or parameters that are affect to your database connection.
SET ROLESET ROLE statement to enable or disable the roles that are currently enabled for the session.

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